Friday, April 13, 2007

Beginning of the End

I am currently in Bluefields sharing a cubicle with a cockroach and commencing my indpendent study project on the cultural expression of autonomy by the people on the Caribbean Coast as well as identity in general. It is much cooler here than in Managua and I have AC in my hotel room which is nice (although the door to the bathroom is a shower curtain and sometimes there isn´t running water...). I took an overnight bus and 5am panga ride to get here with 2 other girls...a journey I hope to never take again as it was hot and uncomfortable. I´m getting myself organized and starting to make contact with people to do some interviews as I really only have next week here in Bluefields. Then I will be flying up north to Bilwi (aka Puerto Cabezas) to interview Miskito people on their own turf. Then it is back to Managua for revisions and last minute interviews and such. It´s all going by so fast! At least I have fresh fruit and pan de coco to relieve my anxieties!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read your ISP! Good luck.

Giti said...

pan de coco is code for me, right? you sound great, i am excited for you. it'll go by fast and all that, but i know you'll enjoy every minute and will make the most out of it.

Liz said...

a) your isp sounds awesome
b) you are awesome
c) eat so much pan de coco for me. sooo much.