Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Semana Santa

Semana Santa has finally arrived. It looked so far away when we plopped down here in Nicaragua but alas it has come. Semana Santa is the Holy Week which means that the entire country shuts down. Kids don´t go to school, adults don´t go to work and from Thursday to Saturday night all the bars and people head to the beaches to party and drink. For us SITers it also means our last week before we are cut loose for our month long independent study projects that for some of us are one of the primary reasons we are here. My Semana Santa weekend starting Thursday will be relaxing as I am going with a couple other people to the town of Altagracia on the island of Ometepe. It is an island in the middle of Lake Nicaragua a couple hours from Managua that holds a volcano which we might hike one of the days. It will be nice to have some time for relaxation before I embark on my quasi solo journey back out to the Caribbean Coast (I will travel with people out there but then will be on my own). I know I keep saying it, but time really is flying so fast and it does feel weird not experiencing the seasonal changes I am used to!

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